Gifts in Wills

Your Will is a testament to the life you've lived. It's a way to honour your loved ones and give voice to the causes that hold a special place in your heart. Beyond possessions, it has the power to transform lives.

By leaving even a small portion of your estate to Jewish House, you'll create a safety net of compassion and support for the community, ensuring that your impact endures long into the future.

How To Leave a Gift in Your Will

Reflect on your Wishes

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Take the time to talk your decisions over with your loved ones and share your vision with them. Choosing to include a Charity in your Will shows your trust in the organisation and your belief in the value of their work and the success of their approach.

Choose the type of donation you would like to leave to your favourite charities

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You can either leave a residual bequest or a specific bequest to the charities of your choosing. A residual bequest is where the remainder of your estate is given to your chosen charities after other bequests have been fulfilled, while a specific bequest outlines the amount that each of your chosen charities receives alongside other bequests.

Use the wording below

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I (insert name here) bequeath to Jewish House ABN 19 350 397 588 the residue of my estate / a _% share of my estate / other type of legacy for its general purposes, free of all duties, and the receipt of the Secretary or other authorised officer for the time being shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the Executor(s).’

Write and legalise your Will

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A solicitor, lawyer or estate planner can assist in preparing your Will under your direction. Remember, your Will is not legal until it is signed and witnessed. You can change your Will and beneficiaries at any time.

Please let us know

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If you’d like to discuss your wishes or let us know about your intended gift, please contact us. Planning to leave a legacy in your Will? Reach out to Brenda Kaplan in Gifts in Wills on 02 9386 0770.