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Facing Harsh Realities with JH Kids

Wednesday, 22nd Nov 23

When the going gets tough, we are here to support you through. Join us as we as we share words of encouragement, hope, support. We discuss practical strategies and research backed coping mechanisms to see us through the challenges of life.

Jewish House and MyBond Support Launched...

Thursday, 5th Oct 23

A new collaboration to address homelessness, Jewish House MyBond Support, was officially launched at NSW Parliament House.The product will enable eligible individuals to access financing for a four-week rental bond while requiring an upfront fee of only one week’s rent, with the goal of enabling people to leave dangerous situations sooner.

Storytime with JH Kids

Sunday, 8th Aug 21

Created for children who have not yet learned to read. We share stories and activities that you can do together with your children.

Podcast Round Up for Kids

Monday, 26th Jul 21

Overwhelmed by the Podcast options for kids? Wish someone narrowed it down for you? We've got you covered. Here you will find our top Pick for Podcasts for Kids with categories and direct links.

Let's Talk Segment- Daily Insights for L...

Tuesday, 29th Jun 21

Here you will find our Daily Let's Talk Segment to support families as they navigate School Holidays during Lockdown

Themes with JH Kids

Monday, 26th Apr 21

Themes are concepts backed by research and theory that supports optimal health. If we've included the theme- it means that it is certainly worth exploring further.

JH Kids Videos

Sunday, 25th Apr 21

Here you will find our video library with all of our videos. Feel free to have a look through. Don't forget to switch on subtitles by clicking cc in the video window if you are hard of hearing or are in a quiet place.

Healthy Mind Platter- Introduction

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

We know how important it is to have a balanced diet of healthy foods for our wellbeing and physical health, but what about our mental health? Dr Rock and Dr D Siegel created the Healthy Mind Platter which incorporates 7 activities that we should be doing daily for optimal mind health

The Healthy Mind Platter - Focus Time

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

How much of our day is spent really focusing on one task- without getting distracted? Time is a precious resource and if we can skill up in focusing, staying focused and refocusing when distracted, then we will be more successful.

The Healthy Mind Platter - Connecti...

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

How much time in our day do we connect to others? Through giving and receiving in a meaningful way we become more secure within ourselves and flexible when confronting challenges.

The Healthy Mind Platter - Play Time

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

It's Play Time! How much of your day is spent playing? Self-directed play helps create new connections in the brain and is important for children and for adults. How can I bring more fun into my day?

The Healthy Mind Platter - Time In

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

Time In is when we shine the spotlight on what we are experiencing within. How am I feeling? What am I thinking? What is my body telling me? The more aware we are of our internal processes the more balance and integration we have.

The Healthy Mind Platter - Down Time

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

Ah the simplicity of doing absolutely nothing! When was the last time that you just did nothing- without feeling guilty about it? Down time does not mean a waste of time- it is a space that gets filled with new insights and brain connections.

The Healthy Mind Platter - Physical Time

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

It's time to get moving! How much exercise do we need? How about our children? How can we increase our heart rate every single day?

The Healthy Mind Platter - Sleep Time

Thursday, 1st Apr 21

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. We crave it when we don't have enough of it and we push it aside when it is offered to us. Why is that? How much sleep should we be getting and how can we get the most out of our snooze time?